Saturday, February 6, 2010

1881 Democratic Nominee (1881 presidential loser)

General Winfield Scott Hancock 1824- 1886.

General Hancock was born In 1824 in Montgomeryville Pa in what is now a strip mall(seriously). This great man was from a prominent Pennsylvania family and entered Military service at the age of 20. Hancock served in the Union Army during the Civil War and was most known for his leadership during the Battle Of Gettysburg.

This fascinating man also oversaw the excecution of the Lincoln Conspirators.

His devotion to service to his country and his strong leadership led his to be nominated as the 1881 presidential candidate for the Democratic Party William Hayden English of Indiana was his running mate. During 1880 the Republican party was bitterly split and the conditions seemed right for a strong Democrat to win.

"Dark Horse" or "Sacrificial Lamb" James A. Garfield was nominated out of the Republicans and won the presidential election by less than 10,000 votes shocking both parties and the nation.

James A Garfield was later assassinated in the first year of his administration. General Hancock died due to complications of diabetes. A great man who was very close to being a US President.

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