Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gerald R. Ford 38th US President 1974 - 1977

Gerald R Ford 1913- 2006

38th US President 1974 - 1977


First Lady Elizabeth Bloomer Warren

Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller

Gerald Ford succeeded Richard Nixon after his resignation making him the first US President not to be elected. He granted Richard Nixon a full pardon regarding Watergate and gave amnesty to Vietnam War resisters. Ford was no elected to another term.

Gerald R. Ford Quotes:

My commitment to the security and future of Israel is based upon basic morality as well as enlightened self-interest. Our role in supporting Israel honors our own heritage.
Gerald R. Ford

My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.
Gerald R. Ford

Our constitution works. Our great republic is a government of laws, not of men.
Gerald R. Ford

Our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men. Here, the people rule.
Gerald R. Ford

Teddy Roosevelt... once said, 'Speak softly and carry a big stick.' Jimmy Carter wants to speak loudly and carry a fly swatter.
Gerald R. Ford

Tell the truth, work hard, and come to dinner on time.
Gerald R. Ford

1 comment:

  1. President Ford did not grant amnesty to Vietnam War resisters. After giving an unconditional pardon to Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford created a "clemency" program, which he also referred to as "earned re-entry." Draft resisters were required to sign a "loyalty oath," a tacit admission of guilt, and to perform alternative service. Military deserters had to do the same, and also to accept a punitive less-than-honorable discharge, called a "clemency discharge" for the occasion. Many war resisters boycotted this program. So few participate that the media called it a failure, and pressure mounted for a real amnesty.

    In 1977, President Jimmy Carter's first act as president was to grant an unconditional pardon to un-indicted draft resisters and to establish a program of leniency in the military, which discharged returning AWOLs on a case-by-case basis.

    I know these things because, as a Vietnam-era deserter who lived for six years in Sweden and Canada, I was actively involved in the struggle for amnesty for those who refuse to fight in unjust wars.

    Today, I am an active supporter of soldiers who refuse to fight in the immoral, illegal wars and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

    For more information, check out my blog, www.SoldierSayNo.blogspot.com or contact me by email at projectsafehaven@hotmail.com.

    Wage Peace!
    Gerry Condon
